iPad 2!
So many of you will have heard about Apple's latest release, the iPad 2, any need to upgrade?...
So I purchased my iPad 2 for £480 from Comet and was surprised to see they only had 2 in store because of such a high demand online. This could be a surprise to people but to an Apple fan, this is nothing new.
Many people say "What's different about it?" well I hope I can answer that question for you in this article.
1. 2 Cameras, 1 front-facing camera and 1 back-facing camera. There's one thing right off the bat.
2. 9x Faster graphics. Now this may not be such a big deal to some people as on their iPad original there was maybe no lag or problems while playing games.
3. A5 chip, this is the newer upgraded chip than the iPad 1 which means it is a hell of a lot faster providing a nicer all round experience.
Now there is a few reasons it is different but I have only just scratched the surface!
Should you upgrade?
Hmm. Well. Truthfully I'm not sure because what maybe right for me might not be right for you.
If you own the iPad 1 I would say no you probably don't really need to upgrade if you only want the camera's because the cameras back and front both suck, they have very suckish quality but the 720p video I have used has been pretty good while recording.
Facetime on the iPad is a good reason to upgrade though, if you live away from friends/family you will probably wanna keep in touch, do they have an iPod Touch 4g, iPad 2 or Mac computer? if they do then they most likely have a Facetime account and you can FREE video call them from anywhere in the world with only about 2 seconds lag. Not a bad price to pay for free calls!
The iPad 2 is a hell of a lot thinner and this can't be ignored, it's a true fact. Apple say that the iPad 2 is 33% thinner than the original iPad but does it feel like it's thinner? YES! As soon as I picked it up out of the box I could instantly feel the difference in weight and thickness of the 2 devices.
If you're a tech "geek" like me and love the latest gadgets to review (Not many of my friends are) but if you are then you would probably love to get your hands on one and if you are lucky enough, some companies would maybe send you one free to review (if you have over 500,000 people watching/reading your stuff)
Ok so if you have the iPad 2 you are probably worried about protecting it, I know I was.
When I purchased mine, Comet offered a 2 year insurance plan for £120. Worth it? No. I found out that if we went through our house insurance it was £60 for 2 years! Saving half the money there!
Case wise? I would recommend taking a look here https://www.mobilefun.co.uk/cat/iPad-2-Cases.htm although they sponsor me I wouldn't recommend their site if they weren't worth a look at. They have accessories for all devices so take a look anyways! :)
Overall then...
I would recommend you try out the iPad 2 at a local store whether its PC World, Comet, Currys or even Apple themselves. If you like it and think it's a worthy upgrade then definitely pick it up, I know I am very pleased with it!
Is it right for you? will you be trying it out? getting one? Let me know on Facebook, write on my wall and let me know what you think about the iPad